Muslim Girl Names Starting with U

muslim girl names starting with u
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Uncovering the beauty of Muslim girl names starting with U? Delve into names that are unique and meaningful, reflecting the rich Islamic heritage. Each name offers a perfect blend of tradition and contemporary charm, making it an excellent choice for your little one.

Table of Contents

Modern Muslim Girl Names Starting with U

  1. Umaima – Little mother, young mother
  2. Uzma – Greatest, supreme, more magnificent
  3. Urwa – Support, handhold
  4. Ulfat – Love, friendship
  5. Uswa – Example, model
  6. Umaira – Living a long life, blessed with life
  7. Urooj – Height, exaltation
  8. Umm e Kulsum – Mother of Kulsum
  9. Umme Hani – Name of the daughter of Abu Talib
  10. Unaiza – Sheep/goat, name of a valley
  11. Umama – Proper name
  12. Umm – Mother
  13. Umrah – Pilgrimage to Makkah
  14. Ubab – Waves, heavy rain
  15. Ushna – Fragrant

Beautiful Muslim Girl Names Starting with U

  1. Ujala – Light of the universe
  2. Umamah – Proper name
  3. Uroosa – Bride, happiness
  4. Umayma – Little mother
  5. Ula – Sea jewel
  6. Umayyah – Narrator of Hadith
  7. Uraisha – Throne living
  8. Umeed – Desire, hope
  9. Ulya – Higher, highest
  10. Umaiza – Beautiful and bright
  11. Ubaida – Slave
  12. Umaymah – Young mother
  13. Urooba – Woman who loves her husband
  14. Ureeda – The choice
  15. Ubah – Flower

Unique Muslim Girl Names Starting with U

  1. Udaina – Little Adan, place of everlasting bliss
  2. Udoola – Justified
  3. Ufaq – Bright sky
  4. Ugay – Kind of necklace
  5. Ufairah – Gazelle
  6. Uhaidah – Promise
  7. Uhud – Commitment, pledge
  8. Ulfah – Friendship
  9. Ulayyah – Beautiful
  10. Ulyaa – Eminent, high
  11. Ujma – Brotherhood, fellowship
  12. Ulwiya – Sublimity
  13. Umnia – Gift
  14. Uswah – Model
  15. Umera – Living a long life

Cool Islamic Names Starting with U

  1. Umhani – Happy
  2. Umniya – Hope, wish
  3. Umrao – Noble
  4. Unaisa – Sweetheart
  5. Unma – Joy
  6. Unseea – Love
  7. Urfia – Servant of God
  8. Urooj – Ascension, mounting
  9. Urshia – One who belongs in the skies
  10. Urveen – Sam
  11. Unzila – Devotee of God
  12. Ushma – Heat, warmth
  13. Usaimah – Morning light
  14. Ushta – Everlasting happiness
  15. Uswah – Light

Popular Arabic Girl Names Starting with U

  1. Utaib – Gentleness
  2. Uzaibah – Sweet, fresh
  3. Utaiqah – Virtue
  4. Uzaizah – Mighty, powerful
  5. Umaira – Long life
  6. Ulfat – Love, affection
  7. Urwah – Handhold
  8. Ushbah – Morning dew
  9. Uzlah – Solitude
  10. Udha – Clear
  11. Unaidah – Small group
  12. Usaimah – Morning light
  13. Umrah – Pilgrimage
  14. Umaiza – Bright, cheerful
  15. Ulaa – Highest, most exalted


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