110 Muslim Girl Names Starting with H: Popular in 2025

Have you considered Muslim girl names starting with H? Venture into a world of names that highlight the harmony and beauty of Islamic heritage. Each name is carefully chosen to reflect a deep cultural significance, making it a perfect choice for your child.
Modern Muslim Girl Names Starting with H
- Haadiya: A gift from God, a righteous woman
- Haadiyah: A director, a leader, a guide
- Haafizah: Having a good memory
- Haajirah: The wife of Hazrat Ibrahim, peace be upon him
- Haala: Possessing a lunar halo
- Haamidah: One who praises
- Haaniah: Pleasant
- Haaniya: One who is pleased; happy
- Haarisah: Sun girl, guard, protector
- Habaqa: Lotus
- Habeeba: One who is dearly loved, sweetheart
- Habi: One liked by all
- Habiba: Well loved, beloved
- Hadaya: Gifts
- Hadeel: Resembling a dove
Read More: Baby Girl Names That Start With H
Beautiful Muslim Girl Names Starting with H
- Hadia: One who guides in religion
- Hadidah: Piece of iron, iron tool
- Hadiqah: Garden
- Hadiyah: Gift
- Hafeezah: Guardian, protector
- Hafiza: Protected
- Hafsa: Resembling a young lioness, a wife of Muhammad
- Haiza: Royal person
- Haja: Person who loves nature
- Hajarah: Very hot afternoon
- Hajima: Calm, good-natured individual
- Hajira: An intelligent woman
- Hakeemah: A sage, philosopher
- Haleema: A mild-mannered woman, one who is gentle
- Halima: Gentle
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Unique Muslim Girl Names Starting with H
- Hameeda: One who gives thanks
- Hamidah: Praiseworthy, one who praises God
- Hamna: Blessed person
- Hana: Happiness
- Hanan: Loving, mercy
- Haniah: Bliss
- Haniyah: Happiness, delight
- Hanifah: True believer
- Haniya: Pleasant, happy
- Hani: Happy, delighted
- Hanun: Compassionate, kind-hearted
- Hareem: Respectable, noble
- Haritha: Green, cultivator
- Hasanat: Good deeds
- Hashima: Generous, charitable
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Cool Islamic Names Starting with H
- Hawra: Having eyes with a striking contrast of black and white
- Hayat: Life, existence
- Hayfa: Slim, delicate
- Hiba: Gift, present
- Hibah: Gift from God
- Hidaya: Guidance, instruction
- Hidayah: Guidance, righteousness
- Hifza: Protected, secure
- Himaya: Protection, shelter
- Hina: Fragrance, beauty
- Hind: Group of camels, hundred
- Hira: Darkness, mountain where the Quran was revealed
- Hirah: Noble, highborn
- Hiyam: Passionate love
- Hoor: A virgin of paradise
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Popular Arabic Girl Names Starting with H
- Hooriya: Angel, with beautiful eyes
- Huba: Love, desire
- Huboor: Happiness, delight
- Huda: Guidance, right path
- Hudha: Calm, peace
- Hujaila: Light, brightness
- Humaira: Reddish, rosy
- Humna: Blissful, happy
- Hunaidah: Little, small
- Hurain: Beautiful eyes
- Husna: Beauty, excellence
- Husniyah: Beautiful, charming
- Huwaida: Gentle, quiet
- Huzaymah: Companion, friend
- Huzna: Sadness, sorrow