Muslim Boy Names Starting with Z

Muslim Boy Names Starting with z
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Choosing the right name for your baby is a special and meaningful decision. If you’re looking for Muslim boy names starting with Z, this list includes a variety of options with deep meanings, from names symbolizing strength and wisdom to those reflecting beauty and grace.

Table of Contents

Unique Muslim Boy Names Starting with Z

These unique Muslim boy names starting with Z are rich in meaning and significance:

  • Zaafar – Victory, triumph
  • Zabar – Forceful, strong
  • Zabir – Intelligent, wise
  • Zafar – Victory, triumph
  • Zafir – Victorious, successful
  • Zahid – Ascetic, pious
  • Zahir – Shining, radiant
  • Zaid – Growth, abundance
  • Zaidi – To grow, to increase
  • Zaim – Leader, chief
  • Zain – Beauty, adornment
  • Zainulabidin – Ornament of the worshippers
  • Zakir – One who remembers God, pious
  • Zakwan – Intelligent, sharp-minded
  • Zaman – Time, age, era
  • Zameer – Conscience, heart
  • Zamin – Guarantor, security
  • Zarar – Brave, courageous
  • Zarrar – Fierce, powerful

Modern Muslim Boy Names Starting with Z

These modern Muslim boy names reflect strength, beauty, and growth, making them perfect for today’s world:

  • Zayb – Adornment, beauty
  • Zayd – Abundance, increase
  • Zaydan – Growth, increase
  • Zayn – Beauty, grace
  • Zeeshan – Dignified, respected
  • Zeeshan – Splendid, noble
  • Zeeshan – High in dignity
  • Zia – Light, radiance
  • Ziad – Abundance, extra
  • Zidan – Growth, progress
  • Zimraan – Praised, lauded
  • Ziyad – Abundance, growth
  • Zohair – Bright, shining
  • Zohaib – Leader, king
  • Zubair – Strong, brave
  • Zubaid – Noble, wise

Arabic Names with Z Boy

Arabic names carry profound meanings. Here are Muslim boy names starting with Z that have a deep connection to the Arabic language and culture:

  • Zuhair – Shining, luminous
  • Zuhayr – Brilliant, bright
  • Zulfiqar – Name of a sword given to Ali by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • Zulqarnain – Possessor of two horns (historical reference to a king mentioned in the Quran)
  • Zunaid – Man of peace, devoted to God
  • Zunaid – Pious, submissive
  • Zunaid – Servant of the victorious
  • Zunaire – Bright, radiant
  • Zunaire – Glorious
  • Zuraib – Fighter, warrior
  • Zurain – Illuminating, luminous
  • Zuwaid – One who increases, successful
  • Ziyaad – Growth, increase
  • Zyad – Super abundance, more
  • Zubaer – Strong, sharp-minded
  • Zulaiha – Brilliant, smart
  • Zumair – Intelligent, sharp
  • Zunnurain – Possessor of two lights (title of Uthman bin Affan)
  • Zuhayr – Bright, luminous
  • Zureesh – Strong, fighter
  • Zureeb – Fighter, warrior
  • Zuhayruddin – Brightness of the religion
  • Zubaidi – High rank, honor
  • Zubaydullah – Allah’s gift
  • Zuhayb – Bright, golden
  • Zubaydi – Elite, noble
  • Zubairuddin – Strong protector of faith
  • Zuhal – A planet (Saturn)
  • Zubeydullah – Servant of Allah
  • Zuhayl – Little, small
  • Zulal – Pure water, clear
  • Zulfaqar – Sword of Ali (RA)
  • Zumarrad – Emerald, precious stone
  • Zuhayr – Blossom, shining star
  • Zamzam – Sacred water
  • Zuhayl – Radiant, brilliant
  • Zayyaan – Beautifier, adorning
  • Zulfikar – Sword of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • Zamurad – Precious stone, emerald
  • Zawad – Gift, good fortune


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