Baby Month by Month: 2025 Edition

When you first bring your baby home, it can feel like a whirlwind of emotions, excitement, and… well, confusion.
One minute they’re sleeping, the next they’re crying, and you’re wondering, “Is this normal?” It’s a totally relatable feeling, and trust me, you’re not alone in this.
The first year of your baby’s life is filled with so many changes, milestones, and tiny surprises. It’s like a rollercoaster ride, but without the seatbelts! The “baby month by month” journey is packed with all sorts of new developments that can leave you in awe.
I’ve been there, and I want to help break it down so you can feel more confident and in control during this magical (and often exhausting) time.
Let’s dive in and take a closer look at your little one’s growth month by month. By the end of this, you’ll have a solid understanding of what to expect, what’s normal, and when to call the doctor.
Baby Month by Month: The First Three Months
Month 1: Welcome to the World, Little One!
Your baby has just entered the world, and everything is new. During this first month, they’re pretty much getting the hang of life outside the womb.
- Sleeping: Expect lots of naps. Newborns sleep around 16-17 hours a day, but it’s in short bursts, so don’t worry if your baby isn’t sleeping through the night.
- Feeding: Whether you’re breastfeeding or formula-feeding, your baby will eat every 2-3 hours.
- Development: Babies at this stage can see only a few inches in front of them, but they’ll start tracking your face and looking at high-contrast objects.
- Milestones: The first smile might be a bit farther away, but you’ll notice your baby’s reflexes, like grasping your finger when you place it in their palm.
Month 2: Growth Spurt and Socialising
By the time your baby hits two months, their growth will start to accelerate.
- Sleeping: They’ll still sleep a lot, but you might notice them having longer stretches of sleep.
- Feeding: You might be feeding less frequently, but they’re probably drinking more at each session.
- Development: Babies start to develop better head control and can push up during tummy time. They’ll also begin making more sounds and smiling at you.
- Milestones: Your little one will have a check-up around this time, with their first round of vaccinations.
Month 3: Starting to Notice the World Around Them
Your baby is getting more interactive, and you might notice some new behaviours.
- Sleeping: While your baby’s sleep routine is still erratic, they’re starting to recognise day and night.
- Feeding: They’re getting into a more predictable feeding schedule.
- Development: You’ll start seeing more head control and your baby might even start pushing up with their arms during tummy time.
- Milestones: You may hear your baby’s first real coos and gurgles! It’s their way of communicating, and it’s music to your ears.
Baby Month by Month: Four to Six Months
Month 4: More Interaction, More Smiles
At four months, your baby will be much more alert and engaging.
- Sleeping: You might notice your baby is sleeping in longer stretches during the night. It’s a game-changer for you.
- Feeding: This is the time when many parents start introducing solids. Be sure to chat with your doctor before jumping into purees and rice cereal.
- Development: At four months, babies can sit with support, have better head control, and begin reaching for toys.
- Milestones: Your baby may start babbling, and you could even see their first real laugh! It’s such a fun milestone.
Month 5: Baby’s Personality Shines
By now, your baby is more aware of their surroundings.
- Sleeping: Your little one might start sleeping for 6-8 hours straight at night. It’s still not guaranteed, but it’s a nice treat when it happens.
- Feeding: Solids become a regular part of your baby’s diet now. You’ll want to start with single-ingredient foods to avoid allergies.
- Development: They’ll start rolling from tummy to back, and back to tummy.
- Milestones: You’ll see more coordinated movements and maybe even some attempts at sitting without support.
Month 6: The Half-Year Mark
Your baby is halfway to their first birthday. It’s a big milestone!
- Sleeping: By now, your baby is likely sleeping 10-12 hours a night.
- Feeding: If you haven’t started solids yet, this is when many babies start eating a range of fruits, veggies, and some grains.
- Development: Your baby may sit up unassisted for a brief moment and may begin scooting or trying to crawl.
- Milestones: You might see your baby using their hands to explore objects or transferring toys between their hands.
Baby Month by Month: Seven to Nine Months
Month 7: Crawling and Communication
Your baby is becoming more mobile and communicative.
- Sleeping: They might still take a couple of naps during the day, but their night sleep is becoming more predictable.
- Feeding: Solids are now a staple. Finger foods like soft fruits or veggies may be introduced.
- Development: Crawling is often around the corner, if not already happening. You may notice your baby getting into everything!
- Milestones: They might be able to sit up on their own and might even pull themselves up to stand with support.
Month 8: The “I Can Do It Myself” Stage
At eight months, your baby is asserting their independence.
- Sleeping: They’re likely napping twice a day and sleeping soundly at night.
- Feeding: Expect more solid food experimentation. Babies love exploring new tastes and textures.
- Development: Your baby might start pulling themselves up to stand, cruising along furniture, or even trying to crawl more efficiently.
- Milestones: You’ll hear more intentional babbling. They may start mimicking your sounds and gestures.
Month 9: On the Move
Nine months is a big time for mobility.
- Sleeping: They’re likely still taking 2 naps a day and sleeping about 11-12 hours at night.
- Feeding: They might be eating a mix of solids and breast/formula milk. You can introduce more complex foods and textures.
- Development: Crawling, standing with support, or even taking their first unassisted steps are possible at this stage.
- Milestones: It’s common to see your baby start pointing at things and trying to communicate more.
Baby Month by Month: Ten to Twelve Months
Month 10: Almost There
At ten months, your baby’s personality is blossoming, and they’re more curious than ever.
- Sleeping: Your little one is likely sleeping 12-14 hours a night, with 2 naps during the day.
- Feeding: Solid foods are now part of your baby’s regular routine. You might notice they’re becoming more independent in feeding themselves.
- Development: Many babies start standing unassisted, though walking is still a little further away.
- Milestones: You’ll likely see your baby saying their first words, like “mama” or “dada.”
Month 11: Stepping Into Toddlerhood
Your baby is just one month away from their first birthday.
- Sleeping: Sleep is becoming more predictable, and naps may start to shorten.
- Feeding: You can begin introducing more complex meals, and they might start showing preference for certain foods.
- Development: Walking might happen around this time. Some babies might even start walking unaided.
- Milestones: Your baby may say more words and start understanding simple commands.
Month 12: Happy First Birthday!
The first year is complete, and your baby is officially a toddler now.
- Sleeping: By now, your baby should be sleeping through the night and taking one longer nap during the day.
- Feeding: Solid foods are now a regular part of their diet, and they may start using a sippy cup.
- Development: Your baby may be walking and communicating more effectively, even if it’s just a few words or gestures.
- Milestones: Expect more mobility, social interactions, and language development.
Conclusion: Baby Month by Month
The first year of life is a whirlwind of milestones, changes, and new experiences. Each month brings something new and exciting, and while it can feel overwhelming, it’s also incredibly rewarding to witness your baby grow. From their first smile to their first steps, the baby month by month journey is one of the most amazing rides you’ll ever take.
FAQs: Baby Month by Month
Q: How much sleep should my baby be getting each night?
A: It depends on their age, but newborns usually need around 16-17 hours of sleep a day, with the amount of sleep decreasing slightly as they get older.
Q: When should I start introducing solids to my baby?
A: Most babies are ready for solids around 6 months. Always check with your doctor before starting.
Q: My baby isn’t crawling yet, should I be worried?
A: Not at all! Some babies skip crawling altogether. Every baby develops at their own pace.
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